Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Mixed Up Blogs...

For those of you patiently waiting for me to post my saved blogs, check earlier in the order of them... For some reason it posted them in chronological order. Probably to confuse us all.
I had my "18 week" ultrasound yesterday, which I'm guessing was actually a 19-20 week ultrasound, but I forgot to ask what the new dates were. Everything went well with it and the baby was extremely cooperative until the tech tried to get a picture of all four chambers of the heart, at which point it decided to lie on its side and hide. So seeing the detail on the ultrasound was really cool, but the pictures that I got aren't as good. I'll be posting them once I get them uploaded.


Some kind of Mom said...

Lindsay, I had an idea. You can add tags to your blog postings and then group them all together. That way all the pregnancy related ones will fall under one tag. Just a thought!

Lindsay said...

That's a really good idea! Will (try to) do!

Anonymous said...

You made a few good points there. I did a search about the topic and barely got any specific details on other sites, but then great to be here, seriously, thanks.

- Lucas