Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Wordless Wednesday - Peekaboo!


Anonymous said...

aww.. what beautiful eyes!

Anonymous said...

what a cutie!! and enjoy your time off. everybody needs some!

TheButterfly2 said...

Great shot!
Ans I totally hear you on the guilt thing. I recently wrote about it on my blog as well. You can find it under the label "My Momography" entitled "13 reasons why I know a girls night is WAY over due" and under " musings of a mother" - "to be or not to be part two"
Great pic and happy ww!

Angel The Alien said...

I was going to say the same thing as tegdir92... What beautiful eyes! And a beautiful smile, too!

Rebecca said...

What a beautiful baby, such excitement in the eyes!!

Happy 4th of July - My WW is up at